Women in Tech Scholarship winner

We want to congratulate Brandie Huffman for winning the Women in Tech Full Ride Scholarship to V School!

Brandie's Story:​

"I am just getting back into work and school after being a stay at home mom for 8 years to 4 kids. I want to show my kids what hard work and determination can do. I want to make my kids proud and provide the life they deserve and that I deserve.​

When I began looking for online schools for UX/UI I was referred to V School more than any other program. It has come highly recommended. The syllabus is very detailed and covers everything that I feel is important to learn. I plan to gain employment for a female owned company, and eventually be able to start my own company.

I love that Tech-Moms helps women break into the tech world and V School aligns with that model as well.

I plan on starting a nonprofit for women that have survived domestic violence or are trying to get out of it and are interested in tech work. I think it is such a great industry for women. I want to match women with programs that can help them through school."

We're thrilled to be a part of Brandie's journey into tech! Congratulations!

About Tech-Moms

Women feel left out because they haven't been given the opportunity to pursue a career in technology, and they believe it isn't for them. Tech-Moms is a nonprofit organization that helps people transition into technology careers and find more successful employment.

About V School

V School has pioneered an outcomes-optimized education model called responsive learning that moves the end goal from "graduation" to gaining real industry experience. You graduate when you land a job.

Regardless of your background, every student with high aptitude has the opportunity to transition into a successful career in the tech industry.

Start your application here.