Why Are Nerves a Good Thing?

Do you ever get nervous before you're about to do something big?

You might be about to step out on stage to speak or perform. Perhaps you're sitting down for an interview. You might even be simply submitting your final draft for a project you're working on. That's when you start feeling the butterflies.

I was watching Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee when something hit me. Those nerve, or butterflies, are a good thing!

“You know the butterflies, when you get the butterflies? I always say that the things you remember in life are the things that happen right after you had butterflies. So you should never avoid the butterflies, because those are the memory-makers.” -Brian Regan

Butterflies are a sign that something good is about to happen. They are your memory-makers! On the other side of the butterflies are the times you'll remember in your life because you pushed through. You did it.

So when you're feeling nervous or start getting the butterflies, remember that, with a few moments of courage, you're about to make a memory. Something good is about to happen.

Imagine what life would look like if you had a coding or design job. Does that give you the butterflies? Visit vschool.io now to take our free Bootcamp Primer course and see what memories are waiting to be made.

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