Vets2Industry Virtual Networking Circuit Event!

Vets2Industry and V School are excited to invite all veterans and currently serving military members to a special virtual event this September 17, 2022!

There will be a keynote speech from the founder of Vets2Industry and a Q&A session.

After the keynote, attendees will participate in three to four networking rounds, the dynamic will be as follows: 25 minutes per group followed by a 10-minute intermission where each recruiter and VSO will speak.

The breakout rooms will be OPEN NETWORKING rooms with discussions supported and guided by V2I facilitators. Each room will be RANDOMIZED and include recruiters and VSOs.

Virtual Networking Event Agenda

2pm- 2:07pm: Welcome by VETS2INDUSTRY Founder /President Brian Arrington

2:07-2:17pm: Keynote

2:17-2:27pm: Open Q & A With Keynote Speaker

2:27-2:30pm Rules of Engagement

2:30pm-6:15pm: ***Networking*** (see why 4-hours long, below)

6:15pm-7pm: Closing comments/ Open Q & A by Brian Arrington

***The 5-hour event length is not intended for people to stay 5 hours. People can stay as long as they want, leave when they want, and come back as desired as long as they have the password in the invite that will be emailed prior to the event from Eventbrite with the link***

Register for this event here!

Don't miss out on a partial scholarship opportunity!
As part of our joint efforts to help veterans, active military, spouses, and family members to transition into industry careers, those who attend will receive $2000 off tuition towards V School UX/UI design or web development online training programs.

Apply for a Full-Ride Scholarship

Attendees are also welcome to apply for the full-ride Military Family Scholarship to learn to code or design and land a job in tech.

Who is eligible:

  • Veteran
  • Active Duty military members
  • Military spouses and other military-affiliated family member
  • All members of the Guard and Reserve

Application deadline: January 13, 2022
Winner announcement: February 1, 2023

You can start your application here.

About Vets2Industry

V2I was born to fulfill a pressing need for a single-site repository of information providing access to the vast number of Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) and countless other available military resources and benefits.

If you're interested in hearing more about Vets2Industry virtual events, subscribe to their newsletter here.