SheTech Full-Ride Scholarship

SheTech and V School are happy to announce a new partnership to encourage young women to break into tech.

SheTech Full-Ride Scholarship

SheTech and V School are happy to announce a new partnership to encourage young women to break into tech.

SheTech will provide one full-ride scholarship for Web Development or UX/UI design courses. Additional scholarships will be offered.

SheTech Full Ride Scholarship

The scholarship will be launched at SheTech Explorer Day, anyone can apply to receive 100% tuition paid for the Web Development or UX/UI Design training programs.

You can apply here

One winner will be selected.
Application deadline: April 30th
Winner announcement: May 4th

$500,000 Partial Scholarship opportunities

As part of our joint efforts, SheTech and V School are offering $500,000 in partial scholarships to 125 students, with each student receiving a $4,000 partial scholarship.

About SheTech

SheTech helps girls recognize the opportunities they can pursue in STEM education and careers. This program provides monthly events and opportunities for young women to learn and discover how their dreams can be realized in tech.  SheTech is part of “Women Tech Council”.

Why V School?

We provide a comprehensive education in tech, a flexible schedule based on content mastery, and outcome-based training focused on preparing you for future employment. We also customize our curriculum specific to your background and learning needs.

You will work on real-life projects to fill in the experience gap and have a portfolio that will get you hired.

You'll never be alone, thanks to our mentors and success team, who are eager to assist you in overcoming any challenges or doubts you may have along the way.