LinkedIn Tips and Tricks

According to the Adler Group 85% of Jobs are filled by Networking. Let’s dive into a few LinkedIn tips and tricks!

So where should you begin and what should you do?

  1. If you don’t have a LinkedIn account sign up for one. It’s FREE!
  2. Be sure you build out your full portfolio, which should include all of the following:

    A nice LinkedIn banner for your profile. This shows that you have taken time and invested in your job hunt journey. is free place to create a nicely designed banner.

    A profile pic that is up close and looks like you on the day to day. Make sure that you look warm and welcoming with a smile so that people would want to work with you.

  3. Add a relevant headline for the job you are seeking. This is how many recruiters can find candidates for a position when they do a search for a specific role. The keywords used in the Headline help render results on LinkedIn Recruiter.

  4. Be sure to take time to write an about summary. Be sure to share your story, what or why your passionate about (keep it relevant), and showcase your skills by utilizing keywords to help get found by recruiters.

  5. Add featured items. This allows you to put your top projects, articles or publications at the top of your LinkedIn profile to showcase!

  6. Add work experience in chronological order. Similar to writing a resume, you want to showcase your impact or results you had in your position followed by the actions to accomplish that.

  7. Don’t for get skills. Add relevant skills for the job you are seeking. Be sure to pin and reorder the top skills for that job.

  8. Projects

  9. Accomplishments, which can be professional or personal, especially if it shows you have completed something difficult.

  10. Education

Once you have built out your profile start connecting and building out your network. Don’t forget to ask friends to also make introductions to build out your network.

Next to provide background credibility and more context for who you are, ask for recommendations from friends, previous managers and co-workers. Don’t forget while doing this to give out recommendations to other peers that stood out to you as well! The good deeds and positive outlook to review others shows you are caring and don’t mind taking a few minutes to help others!

At V School, we host open LinkedIn workshops with our Outcomes team, so please keep an eye out for those events on social media or sign up for our email updates to be notified!

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LinkedIn Tips and Tricks. Feel free to connect with our Director of Outcomes and keep an eye out for our open LinkedIn workshops on social or sign up for our email notifications. #linkedin #careerprep #careertipsandtricks #vschool #betteroutcomes

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