Job Searching Doesn't Have to Be Stressful

There are 3 specific things we have our students do to set them up for job searching success. These 3 things are critical for breaking into tech but anyone can use them for any job search.

Today, I'll share one of those 3 things with you so you too can have a successful job search.

When job searching, you need to have a personalized job search schedule. Why? Because without a schedule, your days are ambiguous. Ambiguity creates stress. No one likes stress and no one likes ending a day feeling discouraged.

Good news for you! Job searching doesn't have to be stressful. By creating a personalized job search schedule, you allow yourself to create small goals which enable you to ultimately reach your larger goal of getting a job. The more time you spend on goals, the likelihood of you reaching those goals goes way up.

No matter what your life's schedule looks like, you'll need to dedicate time for your job search.

Example of a Job Search Schedule:

  • Spend 1-2 hours gathering 20+ jobs you think you'd excel in
  • Spend another 1-2 hours researching and narrowing down your top 10
  • Spend 2-4 hours applying for your top 5 favorites
  • Spend 1 hr following up on applications
  • Spend an additional 1-2 hours keeping your skills sharp (Our coding/design students spend time working on their Stage 2 Experience projects, which gives them the real-world experience they need to break into tech!)

By the end of the week, you'll have 20+ strong job leads in the works.

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If you want to have a successful job search, create a personalized job search schedule. If you want a proven path that helps you pivot into Web Development or UX/UI Design, visit