Code Talk April Events

We have four exciting Code Talk events this month every Monday at 4pm MST and we want you to join us!  

Code Talk is a weekly web development Zoom meetup open to the public! Learn the basics of web development with Ben Turner, software engineer at Fidelity Investments. Check out February's schedule below and make sure to RSVP to each event.

April 5th
#031: React Testing Library
Testing is a really important aspect of being a developer. Join us for a intro dive into the react testing library that ships with create-react-app.

RSVP here.

April 12th
#032: Service Workers
Every wondered what a service worker was? In this episode we'll explore what they are as well as create a working example.

RSVP here.

April 19th
#033: React Hooks
Hooks are the heart and soul of modern React. Learn how to use them properly and create your own custom hooks!

RSVP here.

April 26th
#034: Theming in React
Every wondered you create a dark mode for your application? The answer is through theming! Join us for a quick intro to the principles of theming in React using Theme-UI.

RSVP here.